Genre: Animation , Action , Comedy , Family , Fantasy , Horror , Mystery , Sci-fi , Adventure
About: The title of this series is Martin Mystery which was first released in the year 2003 and is known to be in the animation, action, comedy, family, fantasy, horror, mystery, sci-fi and adventure genres. You can enjoy watching the episodes here for free. Putlockers will add new episode once it is available online. You can choose which episode to watch below.
Plot: Martin Mystery has a passion for all things paranormal. When he's not at school, this teenage lover of supernatural ooze works undercover for a secret bureau specialising in mysterious phenomena. Together with his older stepsister Diana, Java (a massive caveman lost in time) and Billy (a small green hovering creature), he checks out weird wonders. Martin is always bursting with energy and seldom thinks before he leaps. Diana is his guardian angel – a straight-A student, she brings the brains to their missions. Seen a zombie, alien or ghost? Call Martin Mystery. Read More