Genre: Drama , Horror , Sci-fi , Action , Adventure , Thriller
About: The title of this movie is Extinction which was released in the year 2015 and is categorised as drama, horror, sci-fi, action, adventure and thriller genres. You can enjoy watching it here, on Putlocker, for free. As far as the storyline goes you can watch the trailer. Putlockers provided a link for this movie where you can stream it in HD
Plot: Nine years after an infection turns most of humanity into rabid creatures, Patrick, Jack, and 9-year-old Lu survive in seeming peace and calm in the forgotten, snow-covered town of Harmony, but it's palpable that something terrible happened between Patrick and Jack because a deep hate keeps them apart. When the infected appear again, Patrick and Jack need to leave all rancor behind to protect the one being who means more to them than anything else. Read More